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 Oratorium Marianum  


 Concert in WrocÅ‚aw on 28th August 2020  

Oratorium Marianum

After it was consecrated in 1733, the hall in the main building of the University of Wrocław (Breslau) was initially used for sacral purposes. The university library was housed here from 1802 until the oratorio became one of the city's most important concert halls in 1815.

In the Oratorium Marianum, the audience can enjoy music surrounded by baroque, architectural splendor. After many years of renovation, the hall was inaugurated again in 1997 and now serves the university as a room for events.


More Information:

Anfahrt und Adresse

Adresse: plac Uniwersytecki 1, 50-137 Wrocław

tel. +48 713 75 26 18

Hotelempfehlungen in der Nähe

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PaÅ‚ac Gruszów

PaÅ‚ac Krasków, about 12 km from Krzyżowa. Special rates for  Krzyżowa–Music Guests.

Double bedroom incl. breakfast
from 80,00€

Red Baron Hotel

Hotel Red Baron being the first address in Åšwidnica, about 9 km  from Krzyżowa.

Double bedroom incl. breakfast

from 70,00 €

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Hotel Pod WierzbÄ…

Hotel pod WierzbÄ… is a simple
and reasonably priced hotel,

about 7 km from Krzyżowa.

Double bedroom incl. breakfast
from 50,00 €


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