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 Isabella Guzy  

 Assistant to the Artistic Direction  

„For me, Krzyżowa-Music offers two aspects that I consider incredibly charming. On the one hand, magnificent musicians meet, live with and learn from one another. This creates very special interpersonal relationships that go beyond the musical and have a very positive impact on the performances. On the other hand, it is the family atmosphere that also includes the festival management. The exchange with all participants is very enriching for me. I’m happy to be part of this special festival.”

Isabella Guzy studies musicology at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. Through her years of experience as a violinist in various orchestras and ensembles, her enthusiasm for cultural and concert management grew. Her focus is not only on artistic but also cultural policy. As a cultural consultant of the student council of Leipzig University, she gained her first experiences in this area. This war followed by participation in the Bach Archive and the Leipzig Bach Festival as well as the a cappella festival, initiated by the ensemble Amarcord. Most recently, she worked in the culture department of the Goethe-Institute in Prague.

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