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 Mateusz Rusowicz 

 Deputy Artistic Director  

Music has the ultimate strength to speak to anyone and can form relationships despite differences. I strongly believe that this is the power Europe needs today more than ever. Krzyżowa-Music understands that and helps create unique occasions for new international relationships to form in the environment of superb musical performances.

Mateusz Rusowicz - graduated in conducting from the class of Professor Marek Pijarowski in WrocÅ‚aw. Co-founder of the Musical Cooperative Contemporary Ensemble (, winner of the Ernst von Siemens Ensemble Prize. Founder of the Radix Poloniae ( early music festival, which explores and records music composed for the Krzeszów Abbey in Lower Silesia. Deputy Artistic Director of the Krzyżowa-Music chamber music festival, which hosts some of the most recognisable musicians of our time (including Midori, Tabea Zimmermann, Daniel Stabrawa and others). Extremely important to him is building a relationship with the listener through art, conversation and educational activities. He is the conductor and co-organiser of the Music For Future orchestral workshops for young people from Poland, Ukraine and Germany.

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